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Pros Of A Live Streaming Solution

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Institutions all around the world need to currently upgrade to new technologies in order to provide better education in times as challenging as the ongoing global pandemic COVID-19. The best option that institutions have resorted to for ensuring continuity in regular day-to-day operations is by adoption of free live streaming platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.

This is due to the fact that the countries across the globe have started imposing strict lockdowns and have also requested the educational institutions to conduct the classes online. Thereby keeping the students  learn despite the severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. These strict measures are taken by governments to promote social distancing which curb the severe impacts of coronavirus.

Disadvantages of free live streaming platforms

Educational institutions which have opted for free live streaming solutions are now facing the brunt of security issues, hacking of video calls, bandwidth issues, etc. due to millions of people using the same platform at the same time. Such kind of issues with free live streaming platforms is resulting in high level of interruptions during the online classes. It is high time that all educational institutions should respect their privacy and make use of live streaming solutions which can help improve their overall efficiency and productivity while conducting online classes.

What are the main reasons for choosing a paid live streaming solution?

Paid live streaming solutions come with immense benefits as compared to free ones. Some of these benefits include highly secure systems, high quality video calling settings, ability to handle multiple users at a given period of time, recording sessions and sharing it across with users, ability to add any number of users for a session, digital whiteboard, live chat options, etc.

The following are some of the major benefits of a paid live streaming solution provider –

  1. Secure communication/connection

Paid live streaming solution providers come with highly secure methods to protect the user data which are being transmitted with cutting edge encryption technologies. This in turn enables that all sessions conducted to be safe with their default end-to-end encryption on every data transmissions. This ensures that there is zero disruption or data breach by any third-party users in the online classes conducted at any point of time.


  1. High-Quality Video Calling

Educational institutions can enjoy the benefits of high-quality video calling when they use premium live streaming platforms. High-quality video streaming increases the overall efficiency of the online session being conducted, thereby providing a rich user experience. With greater quality comes greater detail that the student can grasp from their teachers without any flickers/pixelization.


  1. Customer Support

When it comes to a subscription based or a product which is paid for, the consumer always enjoys the added advantage of premium customer service. With the growing number of educational institutions switching to free services that have a long line of customers, such kind of systems are hardly reliable, institutions can now take the advantage of being received on a Red carpet. The customer service will be at its best and more reliable as the providers takes the responsibility to solve the user’s problem/queries.


  1. Digital Whiteboard

Students can get the experience of being in a live classroom via digital whiteboard provided by certain number of live streaming solutions platforms for educational institutions. Teachers can easily explain various concepts using the digital whiteboard which is an effective substitution for the physical white/black board.


  1. Customization and integration

Educational institutions can also get the paid live streaming platforms exclusively customized for their account which would suit their needs and requirements. The platforms can also be integrated with existing technologies such as school management software or LMS.


  1. Multiple Users

Paid live streaming solutions come with the benefit of adding pre-defined number of users for all sessions. There is usually a flexible cap for selecting the maximum and minimum number of users for online sessions while subscribing for the chosen package. This comes handy when there is an unexpected rise in the number of participants during some online events/webinars.

In this way, the best option for educational institutions for ensuring regular conduct of online classes for students is to opt for a premium live streaming solution provider, which offers immense benefits as compared to free risk-prone software!

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