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Office Administration and UC-School Software

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Managing a school’s administrative tasks is not an easy job. It is a very tedious and time-consuming activity, which if done in a paper-based environment, involves the employment of a lot of people. The various administrative tasks include admission, finance and accounting, student management, inventory, HR and payroll, sending circulars, examination management, etc. It is not easy for a single person to handle these responsibilities because of which many people need to be hired to handle them. But even after hiring employees, the work is done in a very chaotic manner mainly because of working in a paper-based environment.

It is a very astonishing fact that in spite of technology having progressed so immensely, as a result of which these office administrative tasks are automated and work in a paper-free environment, most of the schools hesitate to implement such kind of automated technology.

The main reason behind this may be because the employees feel that they are not very technically sound or the price of the software to be purchased is way above the budget planned by the school. It is a known fact that most of the school management software is very expensive, provided all the features are included in the package. But there is no reason to fear since UC- School provides one of the most affordable, all-inclusive School management software.

UC-School management software provides various solutions for managing the various office administration tasks like admission, fees, student information management, HR and payroll, accounting and finance, inventory management and many more modules. These modules help the school to function in a more efficient manner since all the tasks are handled using the software, as compared to working without the software using traditional methods.

Moreover, UC-School is a user-friendly software, which does not require the users to have any prior technical and coding knowledge. If the user understands how to use the dashboard and features within it, the software can be easily used.

Some of the benefits associated with using UC-School management software for the purpose of handling office administrative tasks include –

Integrated admission management

UC-School provides the admission management module which has features like online application, checking application status and accepting and rejecting the application of candidates. It also facilitates offline admission process.

Computerised Fee management

Different methods of fee payment like payment in cash, cheque and even online payment can be managed effectively using UC-School. The software can also track the fee defaulters in a single click and send notices to them immediately. Different types of fines can also be managed using UC-School.

best school management software 2018

Student Information management

The profiles of all the students studying in the institution can be stored and accessed by the authorised users with the help of UC-School.

The students’ academic records, attendance, extra-curricular activities and other details can be entered easily using UC-School.

HR and payroll

Information about the teaching and non-teaching staff can be stored on the database of UC- School. This information also includes the details of the amounts to be paid as salary to the staff and this amount is calculated by UC-School as per the norms set by the institution. UC-School enables seamless and efficient management of payroll by providing some standard features like payslip approval and rejection, automatic loss-of-pay calculation and leave management system.

Accounting and finance

UC-School helps in efficiently maintaining profit and loss account, balance sheet, tax filing, cash flows, fee structures, debit and credit voucher details as well as managing debit and credit vouchers; all under one roof.

Inventory management

Managing inventory manually is a very difficult activity since it involves tracking available inventories, handling the purchase of new stock, storing vendor list, etc. the list is endless. UC-School would surely prove to be a sigh of relief for those who manage inventory since the software provides a comprehensive inventory management module.

Circular and notice module

Sending circulars and notices to students, teachers and parents is no longer a tedious task since UC School enables the authorised personnel to send information in the form of circulars and/or notices to anybody in the institution within a matter of seconds, at just a single click.

Examination management

Conducting examinations for students belonging to different classes, sections and boards become a highly manageable and effortless pursuit using UC- School. The software effectively configures various examination boards like CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE or State boards and this greatly helps the institution to conduct these examinations at ease and without any hassle.

In this way, educational institutions can benefit by using UC-School software for handling their office administration activities in a professional and convenient way.