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Employee Management Using UC-School Software

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Schools these days have thousands of people who need to be managed efficiently and in a very professional way. Some of these important stakeholders of a school include students, teachers and parents. There are many software systems available in the market for managing students. But seldom do we find software systems that help schools in properly handling data relating to the teaching and non-teaching staff. It is imperative for schools to take quick steps with regard to this, because there are many aspects relating to employee management, some of which include –

  • Employee category
  • Designation
  • Department
  • Payroll
  • Attendance
  • Syllabus management and so on.

 UC-School and employee management

UC-School, which is the best school administration software, offers ‘Employee management’ module for ensuring smooth and efficient handling of all the teaching and non-teaching staff in schools. When schools use UC-School software, the benefits will be obviously seen in the form of

  • Working in a paperless environment
  • Managing different categories of employees
  • Automatic LOP calculation
  • A quick glance of all subjects handled
  • Adding Employees and many more.

The core features of UC-School’s employee management module include –

  1. Adding New Employees

With the help of UC-School that is the best school administration software, new employees who join schools can be easily added to the database of the existing employees. The admin just needs to enter the personal details and grade pay category of the new employee given on the employee management module.

  1. Employee categorisation

Now no need to go through the hassle of managing and maintaining a different set of records for employees. This is because UC-School enables organized categorisation of employees according to their positions, department, designation and grade pay.

  1. Subject allocation

UC-School, which is the best school administration software, helps in easy allocation of subjects to the respective teachers who have the responsibility of handling them.

  1. Manage employee grades

The best school administration software, which is UC-School, helps in managing employee grades. This can be done by just entering the name of the grade, maximum hours per day and maximum hours in a week that are to be worked by the employees.

  1. Employee attendance

With the help of bio-metric integration offered by UC-School, the employees’ attendance can be effectively and properly marked on the attendance portal of the software. The employee can be marked as present or absent, tardy and morning or afternoon latecomer.

  1. Payroll management

UC-School that is the best school administration software makes payroll management simple, quick and efficient. Payslip generation for various categories of employees, automatic LOP deduction and unique payslip structures for employees can be done with the help of UC-School system. Moreover, employees can download as well as print their payslip anytime from their portals.

  1. Automatic teacher substitution

Schools need not have to manually substitute absentee teachers, since UC-School offers a one-of-a-kind feature called ‘Automatic Teacher Substitution’.

In order to properly manage employees, school management software like UC-School has to be brought into the normal functioning of the schools.