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How does UC-School structured fee management for educational institutions?

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Running educational institutions like schools, colleges and universities is no easy task. There are tons of routine and non-routine activities that are performed, some of which include admission, fees, attendance, payroll, examination, etc.

The one particular activity that plays a crucial role in the functioning of educational institutions is ‘Fee management’. Fee management is the process of collecting different categories of fees from students for the purpose of granting them the opportunity to avail the educational services offered by the institution.

Fees are collected from the students by the administrative staff for covering the various expenses that the institution will incur per student, like tuition, books stationary and uniform, commute costs, infrastructure fund, admission, lab, library and for other kinds of miscellaneous activities.

UC-School and Fee Management

UC-School is one such school information management software that offers educational institutions with a very structured, efficient and easy-to-use fee management module. With the help of this module, the administrative staff in schools can easily collect different categories of fees from students and at the same time get to know the fee defaulters.

The different ways in which UC-School’s fee management module provides benefits to schools include –

  1. Create and manage fee categories

With the help of UC-School information management software, it becomes very easy to create as well as manage different fee categories like tuition, books, stationary and uniform, commute costs, infrastructure fund, admission, lab, library, etc.

  1. Collect all fees

UC-School information management software helps schools in collecting instalment wise, partial fees and full fees from the various categories of students. Moreover, the transportation fee is also collected using this feature.

  1. Fee paid reports

Using this feature of UC-School information management software, the administrative staff can get information of all those students from all the classes of the institution who would have paid the term fees or any other type of fees, in the form of a consolidated report.

  1. Overdue reports and Notification

Now, it is very simple for any educational institution to get reports of those students whose fee payment is overdue with the help of UC-School information management software’s ‘Overdue reports’ feature. Notifications regarding the amount of fee overdue can also be sent to the parents.

  1. Summary reports

Using this option given by UC-School administration software, the institution can get a summary report of the chosen fees category for any particular period of time. This summary report provides the institution with detailed information on all aspects of fee management.

Hence, schools should take the next step forward in upgrading their existing systems and methods to UC-School information management software that will surely help any educational institution in efficiently handling all fee-related activities.