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Why should parents consider using school management software?

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Educational institutions have the huge responsibility of being answerable as well as providing benefits to each stakeholder. The important stakeholders of an educational institution include students, teachers, administrators, community members, staff members and school governors or board officials.

Many times, schools seldom make efforts for being answerable to one of the most crucial stakeholders in an educational institution and these include parents. Parents need to know how their child is performing in school, in both academic and non-academic fields. Moreover, they would also like to be informed of the presence or absence of their child in school, along with having the facility of constantly tracking the effectiveness of pedagogical methods that are being used to impart education to students.

  • How is school management software beneficial to parents?

One of the best methods of providing relevant and timely information to parents is the implementation of school management software by the educational institution. School management software is very essential for streamlining various activities of any given institution like schools, colleges and universities. Moreover, parent portals are very helpful to keep all parents informed of the performance of students in every aspect of the institution.

The following are the ways by which some of the best school information management software can prove to be beneficial to parents –

    1. Communication

Teachers can inform parents of the behaviour of the child in class by sending a message to the parents’ portal. Moreover, if parents have found some issue that is affecting the performance of their children in the class, then school management software when used as a communication method, is helpful in bringing such issues to the notice of higher officials of the institution. Important notices and reminders can also be viewed by the parents on their respective portals.

     2. Attendance

Gone are the days when parents were unaware of the presence or absence of their child in school. School software enables parents to get immediately notified of the presence, absence, tardiness or unexplained absence in the school via SMS sent by the teachers to the parents’ portals. In addition to this, the monthly or weekly attendance report of students can also be downloaded by the parents on the portals provided for their use.

    3. Academic and Non-Academic performance

Parents often find it very difficult to track the academic and non-academic performance of their child. This complexity is removed via school software which helps in providing precise statistical information of the subject-wise and class-wise performance of students for any given examination. Also, teachers can regularly update parents about the achievements of their child in non-academic (co-curricular) activities by sending information about it to their portals.

    4. Bus Tracking

Parents need not have to fear about the safety of their children who board school buses since school management software via its ‘Bus Tracking’ module helps in providing regular updates to them about the same. This module comes with the feature of tracking the movement of the bus right from the time the child boards the bus till the time he/she reaches school, all with the help of GPS devices fitted inside the buses.

    5. Fee Payment

Now there would be no need for parents to stand in long queues for hours together, only for the purpose of making fee payments, since school software helps in making payment of fees via online banking, as well as various payment apps. This is extremely helpful in facilitating faster payment of fees, no matter if its tuition or exam or any other form of fees.

By carefully considering the above-mentioned benefits of school management software, parents can now get an assurance that good quality education is being imparted by the educational institution to their children. 


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