Communication is an important aspect of the smooth and efficient functioning of any given institution. This is due to the fact that a highly transparent and fairly accountable communication system, ensured by the communication module of campus cloud management software, helps in the proper assimilation of information between all the key stakeholders of an educational institution.
The key stakeholders who need to have regular access to vital information and timely updates of the happenings within the institution include students, teachers, parents and administrative staff. In the olden days, when there were no proper means of communication available, parents had extreme issues in connecting with the school authorities to gather information or communicate something that they wanted to. The main reasons for this lack of proper communication were the non-existence of an automated system such as one ensured by school management software implementation.
Seamless communication with Campus Cloud Management Software
When automated school management software like Campus Cloud comes into the picture, schools can be assured of smoother and faster communication between all the key stakeholders of any given educational institution. Some of the various modes of communication for passing on information being offered by Campus Cloud include SMS, Email, Circulars, Gallery and News. These features are explained in detail below:
Campus Cloud provides an SMS sending feature, which helps teachers and the admin to inform parents and students about all the latest happenings and important updates which need to be communicated with them at the earliest possible time frame. The SMS module is a highly customizable module with the availability of group as well as individual messaging facility.
Now there is no need for the school staff, parents or students to login separately to their respective email service providers’ websites, Campus Cloud provides them with the benefit of sending them individual or mass emails to one another from their portals itself. This saves a lot of time in terms of efficiently centralizing all the forms of communication in one single place. With the help of this email feature, parents can officially communicate with the teachers by simply logging into their portals provided by Campus Cloud management software.
Imagine the days when school staff had to send a person to each class in the educational institution to communicate any vital information to the students. This method of communicating messages and information in schools is now becoming a thing of the past because there are high chances of either the students or the parents not being properly informed about any given message. With Campus Cloud, the admin can post the circular on the dashboard of the school management software system, after which the parents and students can immediately view it by logging into their given portals.
As we all know, the best way to properly showcase the achievements of an educational institution is via visually representing them on a platform where everybody can view. This feature is being provided by Campus Cloud, wherein the admin can upload varieties of photos, videos and any sort of media into placeholders provided on the dashboard. Moreover, the admin can create different gallery types, download images or videos as well as delete old or unnecessary photos/ videos from the module. Parents, students and teachers can view this gallery on their individual portal dashboards.
Campus cloud also enables the admin to publish daily news on the dashboard of the school management software. Important news such as those relating to past, present and future events held within the institution can be shared across via the news facility of Campus cloud. The admin can create, update and delete news, along with sending appropriate PDF files together with the news articles.
In this way, schools can avail of the benefits of highly efficient and feature-rich school management software like Campus cloud for improving communication within the educational institution.