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Posts published in “Learning Management Systems”

Communication Module of Campus Cloud Management Software

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Communication is an important aspect of the smooth and efficient functioning of any given institution. This is due to the fact that a highly transparent and fairly accountable communication system,…

Warum sollten Sie eine LMS wählen?

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Die aktuelle COVID-19-Situation hat Bildungseinrichtungen auf der ganzen Welt dazu gezwungen, sich an die neueste Technologie im Bildungssektor anzupassen. Einige dieser EdTech-Technologien umfassen virtuelle Klassenzimmer, LMS Lernmanagement System, Live-Streaming und…

Why Choose Campus Cloud for Your Educational Institution?

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The current COVID-19 situation has forced educational institutions across the globe to adapt to the latest technology in the educational sector. Some of these EdTech technologies include virtual classrooms, LMS…