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How Effective of Using an Online Admission Module and Making Payments online with School ERP Software


In the civilized world, gathering of knowledge is an important way to success. The educational systems play a major role in molding the character of the students. So as a first step for achieving a degree is Admission. The admission process consists of different phases. The admission process happens once or twice a year in educational institutions. The educational institution has to face many challenges during that period. They are

  • Lack of employees

  • The experts have to face more pressure

  • The accuracy of the data

The traditional methods have its own pitfalls. The online admission modules in top school management software help for a smooth, accurate and qualitative admission process. So the admission module has to design in such a way that it must be simple and easily organize the admission process in various schools.

The online admission module and making payments online helping the institution to keep data like the no of students promoted each year, calculation of success rates, fees payment status and other details at fingertips. There is no expertise to operate the modules.

Some of the best online school management software’s in India includes the admission and payment modules. The benefits of such modules are

  • Helps for user-friendly admission process
  • Instant ID card generation
  • Bank challan generation
  • Category wise report generation

Advantages of online fees payment system

  • It helps to access the account information
  • We can view up to date fees
  • Those who couldn’t pay fees they can do last time payments
  • We can generate debit order
  • Viewing account statements at all times
  • It helps to reduce labor costs
  • Fast transaction
  • Lower risk of theft

Advantages of Online Admission Module

  1. The convenience of Applicants

Most of the top school management software’s consist of Admission modules. The main advantage is that the applicants can choose to submit their application at their convenient time. The problem with messy handwriting and delay in courier delivery can be avoided.

      2. Minimum Paperwork

Paper related work in the admission process is a huge task, By using online admission modules this work will be easier, There is no more running out of paper application forms. Most of the schools have more than one campuses at different locations. An online admission module helps to streamline all the process in all campuses.

     3. Advantage to schools

Schools have a major advantage in the online admission process. Schools can access student records and databases easily. It helps to process applications easily. The cost of application processing and manpower can be reduced comparatively. The school management can filter out data easily. Using best school ERP software’s, the application processing cost will be reduced than employing additional manpower.

   4. Increases Accuracy and efficiency

In traditional paper-based admission process work, some schools receive thousands of application each year during admission time. Manually handling all these data is not easy. There may be the chance of error. This will affect the data accuracy and efficiency.

During the admission process, the schools have to manage phone calls when the parents want to know about the admission status. So the best school ERP software can handle this by sending timely updates about the admission process.