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Top EdTech Trends for The Year 2021

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There have been numerous innovations in the field of education technology, also known as EdTech, which paved way for a complete transformation of the way education would be imparted to students. Some of these innovative technologies include artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, virtual classrooms, cloud-based education, one-on-one learning (personalized learning), and many more.

Education is now no longer restricted to a traditional classroom-based environment. Technology has enabled education to reach students located across the globe, without the need for being physically present in a classroom.

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, EdTech innovations have revolutionized the education sector. These technologies have ensured continuity of education to students in the period when the world went into a complete lockdown. This form of education is expected to continue even in the coming future, in addition to more innovations touted to happen in this field.


Major EdTech Trends for The Year 2021

EdTech is the new way of learning which is now in the process of being quickly adapted by educational institutions located across the world. Let’s take a look at some of the major EdTech trends for the year 2021 which are set to mark a major change in the way education will be provided –

  1. Cloud-based education

Cloud-based technology has enabled educational institutions to store and access data securely on the cloud. School ERP software systems are a good example of integration of cloud-based technology with education, which provides various features such as online reports, fee management, online admission, virtual classroom, attendance management, online examination, and much more.


  1. Virtual classrooms

Virtual classroom is gaining popularity day-by-day owing to its easy-to-use interface and anytime accessibility, thereby enabling students to gain education no matter which geographical area they are located in. Virtual classrooms come with features such as live streaming, recorded sessions, fun games and activities, e-books, online examination and assignment submission, live chat and many such amazing features.


  1. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is gaining prominence day-by-day in the field of education with more innovations being introduced which is increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the online learning and virtual classroom environment. Some examples where AI is going to play an important role include tracking homework and assignments, monitoring and assessing the performance of students and generating reports, etc.


  1. Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality

Augmented and Virtual Reality are two such path-breaking technologies which will change the way education has been perceived till date. This is due to the fact that these technologies will enable students to visualize and learn the concepts being taught in class in a more realistic manner. For example, with the help of Virtual Reality glasses, students in a geography class can picturize themselves as being located in a rainy forest in the amazon jungles. This form of education will pique the interest level of students in learning more and more about subjects being taught to them in class.


  1. Personalized learning

Flexibility in education is becoming important mainly due to different learning and cognitive abilities of students. Parents are now wanting their kids to get education in a more personalized way. Personalized learning will enable students to get education as per their grasping power, which will help them in understanding concepts and fundamentals of different subjects in a better manner.


It is time for educational institutions to adapt to these new EdTech trends for 2021 which are set to be game-changers in how education will be imparted to students in the coming future.


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