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Your institution in
Campus Cloud Software

Campus Cloud management software that automates the workflow functions of any institution across the globe for improving the operational efficiency and reduce overall cost.

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Top Features of Campus Cloud Management Software

Online Admission

Routine admission process becomes smoother, faster and seamless with the online admission module of Campus Cloud management software.

Academic Management

This is cool module of our school management software boasts of features like course/batch, subjects, timetable, attendance, examination and lesson-planner.

Student Information Management

Manage the data of thousands of students of your educational institution easily with UC- School ERP software’s student information management module.

Employee Management

Redefine employee management with Campus Cloud ERP software’s employee management module which has features such as managing staff details, teacher substitution, etc.


Get better financial insights and manage different fee categories in an efficient way with Campus Cloud management software’s fee management module.


Ensure a transparent, quick and instant communication system within the educational institution using Campus Cloud management software’s communication module.

COVID-19 Assistance


Free Modules

In this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, Campus Cloud management software will assist your educational institution by way of providing some of its core modules free of cost. Please visit our COVID-19 page for more information.

Live Streaming feature

With Campus Cloud ERP software’s live streaming feature, you can easily conduct online classes for the purpose of ensuring real-time engagement of all students and teachers.

Learning Management System

Campus Cloud ERP software also provides ‘Learning Management System’ as an add-on feature to those institutions who might be looking for a platform to digitize their process of routine learning methods.

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Benefits of Campus Cloud Management Software

Want to know why you should go for our school management software from among others in the market? Take a quick look at the benefits that our school software offers for your educational institution.


Benefits to management

Campus Cloud management software helps educational institutions to improve operational efficiency, reduce overall cost and provide the school management, teachers, students and parents with the right information at the right time. Some of the benefits of our ERP software for schools include

  • Saving time and money in the long run
  • Eliminating the use of paper
  • Reduction in employee working hours
  • Conducting online meetings

Benefits to teachers

Campus Cloud management software provides some amazing modules which enable teachers to focus lesser on routine administrative tasks and more on devising methods for providing quality education to students. These modules which can assist teachers include

  • Lesson planner
  • Reporting system
  • Attendance management
  • Examination management
  • Feedback management via communication module

Benefits to parents and students

Campus Cloud ERP software allows parents and students to be in touch with teachers and the school management anytime, which helps them in moving towards a more transparent, secure and reliable form of education. Below given are the ways in which our school ERP software can provide benefits to students and parents

  • Tracking the child’s progress
  • Instant communication facility
  • Timely updates of news, blogs, forums, etc.
  • Getting details of school events and holiday list
  • Online submission of assignments and homework

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Key highlights of Campus Cloud management software

Campus Cloud management software is a user-friendly and all-in-one cloud-based school software system which helps you in running your educational institution in a smart and productive way. Take a look at some key highlights of our school management software

  • Mobile app
  • User friendly
  • Easily customisable
  • Cloud storage of data
  • Highly secure and reliable

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